



Check out the latest update of Compri

Automated expediting - done right.

Automated expediting
- done right.

Never miss a delivery, we make sure all your orders are under control

Try compri now


All you need to automate your order management

All your orders are tracked by compri, that monitors their evolution and engages suppliers on your behalf

Automated order confirmation

Whenever you send an order, we check with your suppliers that delivery and details are confirmed.

Get notified on every step

Whenever a supplier informs you about an order change, we notify you and update the ERP for you

Expediting on auto pilot

No more delays over product delivery, whenever a product is late, we follow-up with the suppliers on your behalf

Automated order confirmation

Whenever you send an order, we check with your suppliers that delivery and details are confirmed.

Get notified on every step

Whenever a supplier informs you about an order change, we notify you and update the ERP for you

Expediting on auto pilot

No more delays over product delivery, whenever a product is late, we follow-up with the suppliers on your behalf

Automated order confirmation

Whenever you send an order, we check with your suppliers that delivery and details are confirmed.

Get notified on every step

Whenever a supplier informs you about an order change, we notify you and update the ERP for you

Expediting on auto pilot

No more delays over product delivery, whenever a product is late, we follow-up with the suppliers on your behalf


Never stop your processes, we make sure you get everything on time

compri automation enables you to focus on added value activities, by bringing on autopilot your orders evolution

Orders always on time

No order in delay, all suppliers are followed up by compri

Status always under control

All orders status evolution get notified, so you never miss a piece

Measure your suppliers

We track and report your suppliers ability to deliver in time, in full and according to your standards

Forget to update the ERP

We handle all interactions with ERP, keeping you in the loop for any status update


We integrate with anything
in days - with maximum
data security

We connect with all your technological stack, always maintaining the highest standard of security

01 - Cybesecurity

We are cybersecure and certified ISO27001 + NIS2

All your data encrypted and stored

02 - Privacy

Your data never
exits our cloud

Our AI leverages LLMs

that run in house

03 - Data Cleansing

Our team cleans up your data, aligning it with your reporting standards


We integrate with anything
in days - with maximum
data security

We connect with all your technological stack, always maintaining the highest standard of security

01 - Cybesecurity

We are cybersecure and certified ISO27001 + NIS2

All your data encrypted and stored

02 - Privacy

Your data never
exits our cloud

Our AI leverages LLMs

that run in house

03 - Data Cleansing

Our team cleans up your data, aligning it with your reporting standards


We integrate with anything
in days - with maximum
data security

We connect with all your technological stack, always maintaining the highest standard of security

01 - Cybesecurity

We are cybersecure and certified ISO27001 + NIS2

All your data encrypted and stored

02 - Privacy

Your data never
exits our cloud

Our AI leverages LLMs

that run in house

03 - Data Cleansing

Our team cleans up your data, aligning it with your reporting standards

Our reviews

Hear first-hand from our incredible community of customers.


Compri è diventato uno strumento quotidiano per il nostro team Acquisti nella negoziazione con fornitori, grazie a metriche utili che ci fornisce come il vendor rating e l’analisi dei prezzi. Lo consiglierei ad altre PMI!


Luigi Russo

Head of Purchasing


Soluzione vivamente consigliata, che fornisce dati di sintesi utili e intuitivi fondamentali per imbastire una strategia di acquisto. Inoltre il team di compri è estremamente competente e veloce nel cogliere i feedback e metterli a terra.


Roberto Conti

Group Head of Business & Procurement


Il team di compri ha sviluppato una soluzione dedicata ai nostri processi di Procurement a partire dai processi di onboarding e qualifica dei fornitori. Sono sempre pronti nel proporre soluzioni innovative.


Andrea Ferrara

Purchasing Manager

Our reviews

Hear first-hand from our incredible community of customers.


Compri è diventato uno strumento quotidiano per il nostro team Acquisti nella negoziazione con fornitori, grazie a metriche utili che ci fornisce come il vendor rating e l’analisi dei prezzi. Lo consiglierei ad altre PMI!


Luigi Russo

Head of Purchasing


Soluzione vivamente consigliata, che fornisce dati di sintesi utili e intuitivi fondamentali per imbastire una strategia di acquisto. Inoltre il team di compri è estremamente competente e veloce nel cogliere i feedback e metterli a terra.


Roberto Conti

Group Head of Business & Procurement


Il team di compri ha sviluppato una soluzione dedicata ai nostri processi di Procurement a partire dai processi di onboarding e qualifica dei fornitori. Sono sempre pronti nel proporre soluzioni innovative.


Andrea Ferrara

Purchasing Manager

Our reviews

Hear first-hand from our incredible community of customers.


Compri è diventato uno strumento quotidiano per il nostro team Acquisti nella negoziazione con fornitori, grazie a metriche utili che ci fornisce come il vendor rating e l’analisi dei prezzi. Lo consiglierei ad altre PMI!


Luigi Russo

Head of Purchasing


Soluzione vivamente consigliata, che fornisce dati di sintesi utili e intuitivi fondamentali per imbastire una strategia di acquisto. Inoltre il team di compri è estremamente competente e veloce nel cogliere i feedback e metterli a terra.


Roberto Conti

Group Head of Business & Procurement


Il team di compri ha sviluppato una soluzione dedicata ai nostri processi di Procurement a partire dai processi di onboarding e qualifica dei fornitori. Sono sempre pronti nel proporre soluzioni innovative.


Andrea Ferrara

Purchasing Manager

Unlock Procurement Superpowers

Join tens of companies that brought their procurement in to the future

10x your procurement now

Unlock Procurement Superpowers

Join tens of companies that brought their procurement in to the future

10x your procurement now

Unlock Procurement Superpowers

Join tens of companies that brought their procurement in to the future

Design amazing digital experiences that create more happy in the world.

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AI assistant


Supplier Management

Order Management



Compliance Management

Item Analysis

Intake Orchestration


Operate Faster AI

Find savings

Negotiate better

Automate expediting

Improve data quality

Make suppliers compliant

ROI calculator



Success Stories

© 2025 Compri UI. All rights reserved.




Design amazing digital experiences that create more happy in the world.

Compri’s newsletter

Enter your email



AI assistant


Supplier Management

Order Management



Compliance Management

Item Analysis

Intake Orchestration


Operate Faster AI

Find savings

Negotiate better

Automate expediting

Improve data quality

Make suppliers compliant

ROI calculator



Success Stories

© 2025 Compri UI. All rights reserved.




Design amazing digital experiences that create more happy in the world.

Compri’s newsletter

Enter your email



AI assistant


Supplier Management

Order Management



Compliance Management

Item Analysis

Intake Orchestration


Operate Faster AI

Find savings

Negotiate better

Automate expediting

Improve data quality

Make suppliers compliant

ROI calculator



Success Stories

© 2025 Compri UI. All rights reserved.


